
Increase your Training Intensity

You can only gain muscle tissues if you can generate progressively stronger muscular contractions. This should not be confused with exercise duration as maximum training intensity will actually shorten the time that is needed to achieve maximal growth of muscles.


When an exercise includes 2 or more muscles, it will be impossible to achieve failure for the main muscle as the weakest muscle will give out first. This can be explained better by giving an example. When you are targeting chest, most exercises involve use of triceps which is a small and weak muscle comparatively. And when you are doing incline bench press for instance, the triceps will fail before the pectorals have the opportunity to work to failure and thus it limits the value of the exercise.


Beginners do not have to worry about the pre exhaust routines but when they increase their level to intermediate level, they can be introduced once in a week for each body part.


Some examples of pre- exhaust routines commonly performed by the weight trainers are listed:


Biceps- Barbel curls and close grip, palms up pulldowns.


Triceps- Press down and dips.


Pectorals- Flies and bench press.


Lats- Dumbbell pullovers and barbell rows.


Deltoids- Dumbbell laterals and press behind neck.


Traps- Shrugs and upright rows.


Thighs- Leg extensions and squads.


Some more effective ways to improve training intensity for beginners:


1.) Start by small weight: For doing any exercise, start with a very less weight, don’t lift heavy in the beginning, as it may cause some serious injuries.


2.) Correct Position: While lifting weights, correct position is very important, so make sure initially you work on your position before increasing weights and repetitions.


3.) Increase Repetitions: Do at least of 8-12 repetitions of a set. When you do more repetition, you break more muscles, and when you are comfortable doing 15 repetition of any exercise, increase the weight, make it a benchmark, when you touch 15 repetition easily, you have to increase the weight.


4.) Cover every muscles: Make a schedule. Take help of your gym trainer or an expert. Don’t do same exercise daily. For example, some people especially men, they skip training their legs and as a result they develop their upper body but not legs, which is not right and doesn’t look good. Different muscles that can be targeted are Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, back, Biceps, Core and Cardio.


5.) Balanced Diet: Taking a healthy diet is very important for weight lifters, when we lift weights, we loose a lot of energy and our muscles break, and that needs fuel to develop. Many beginners make this mistake. They workout regularly but they don’t take a proper diet and hence their body cannot be developed.


6.) Breathe between the sets: Beginners forget to breathe while doing sets, it can be dangerous because it can elevate their blood pressure. They should concentrate on inhaling on the lowering phase of the lift and exhale while lifting.


7.) Train your big muscles first: Beginners love to train arms mostly or maybe any particular muscle, which is wrong because smaller muscles get tired faster. If they tire too fast, it will be difficult for larger muscles to pump.


8.) Avoid supplements: For beginners it is always suggested to avoid supplements because their bodies are not ready to take too much of protein at once, it will not harm but they might feel little uncomfortable. It is always suggested to work on diet first.


9.) Learn more: Beginners are very much confused at the gym, which exercise to do next. Try to learn and remember different type of workouts. Watch videos on youtube. There are many fitness influencers who are expert in the field and make tutorial videos, you can always learn from there as well.