
All about Vitamin A

Vitamins are very important for good health and overall well being. They are defined as any group of substances that are needed in nominal quantities for healthy function of body, growth and development. They are not produced in the body and therefore everyone should consume them.


There are two kinds of vitamins according to whether they are soluble in fat or water. Vitamin A that is Retinol, is a fat soluble vitamin and this is not excreted from the body via urine hence excessive consumption of this can have a negative effect on the body. Vitamin A is present in foods like liver, milk and egg yolk and it is made from the pigment beta- carotene that is present in some vegetables like carrots, cabbage and lettuce.


Vitamin A has many roles in the body. It is important for normal division of cells and their growth. It is required for the maintenance of mucous membranes of the respiratory, urinary and digestive tracts. Retinol is a yellow solid that gets dissolved easily in oil and fat and it is very good for eye sight, it can also be produced synthetically and used to enrich margarines.


The best and the most common source of retinal is liver and a small amount of it, meets the daily requirement of the body. For an adult, 700 mcg in a day is enough.


Lack of Vitamin A in the body causes stunted growth, night blindness and mucous membranes are dried up which increases the risk of infection and a continued lack of Vitamin A is very bad for vision.


In today’s world it is not possible for everyone to intake the required amount of vitamins through food, hence supplements can be taken to complete the requirement.