
Anti ageing skin care

Anti ageing skin care is one of the most interesting topics on skin care. As people get aged, the natural defence of our skin weakens, not only to face but skin of the whole body. Anti ageing skin care is about protecting the skin from the negative effects of ageing process. Anti ageing skin care helps in maintaining a healthy and glowing skin for a longer period of time. The awareness about anti ageing skin care has increased recently because now people know how to maintain their skin since there are many products and hacks that are available everywhere.


Still a lot of people are unable to recognise the symptoms of ageing and that is the reason they are unable to determine if they actually need additional anti ageing skin care measures. Some symptoms that will help you in the planning of your strategy for ageing skin care are:

Baldness, forgetfulness, greying hair, wrinkle formation, loss of eyesight, hearing loss and menopause. Occurrence of these symptoms can be the indicator when you should start anti ageing skin care routine. The actual anti ageing skin care should be started much before these symptoms starts. The adaptation of anti ageing does not mean using any beauty products but it is more about following some normal procedure for a healthy skin


Here are some tips that you can take to maintain your skin:


1.) Use products that exfoliates your skin. These products clears your skin and removes old skin cells and particles from your skin. Using exfoliation products brings out the healthy cells and rid your body from the old ones.


2.) Avoid direct exposure to sun if possible. Vitamin D is good that comes from sun, but over exposure is sometimes not so good as it ages your skin early. Suntan is good, everyone loves it but there is no point to put your skin in danger to achieve it. Many people these days opt for sun tanning lotion that is available in the market, earlier these lotions use to turn your skin orange, but thats not the case today, we have a solution for everything these days, products are more natural and gives streak- free look. But before you apply the lotion to your whole body, take a test and apply on a small area to make sure there is no skin irritation.


3.) Our lips become chapped in winter mostly and sometimes feel burnt. Using a good lip balm or petroleum gel will help to protect from these issues.


4.) Dry and cracked skin is very unbearable, specially in winter days it feels very uncomfortable, also sometimes it is embarrassing as it does not look good. Body butter or lotion can help you fix this problem easily, if you have a dry skin, apply it twice in a day and keep your skin with full of moisture.


5.) Avoid using products that irritates your skin in any kind, avoid soaps that have harsh ingredients. Prefer a moisturising soap that is specially designed for sensitive skin.

Also skin care products are available as prescription based treatments. For skin issues like acne or maybe some skin disorders, a dermatologist is consulted if they are serious issues. Many dermatologist also suggest to use more of moisturising body lotion as it helps to replenish the skin’s natural moisture, because in today’s environment there is lot of polluted air and our skin damages in this



6.) Drink a lot of water: Drinking water flushes out toxins from our body and it is very good for a clear and smooth skin.


7.) Eat healthy: Diet plays a major role when it comes to skin care. What we eat appears on the skin at earliest, so you should avoid eating junk and fried foods as you can get acne from it and for the long run as well junk food is not good. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables instead and nuts.


Once the signs of ageing starts showing up, you should start applying these measures in the form of anti ageing skin care products. In the market there are many products available that can be used for anti ageing skin care products. It is very normal with growing age, the skin goes with many changes. Hence it is important for you to analyse your present skin care procedure to check if it is still suitable for your skin. Ageing is a natural process and there is nothing we can do in order to stop it from happening but all these anti ageing skin care measures might help you to delay he process of ageing.