
Diabetes Foot Care Tips

If you have diabetes, it is very necessary to take care of your body for your well being. If you don’t take care of your feet, you have the risk of attracting sores and infection that can lead to amputations in worst case scenario. You can reduce the risk of amputation by applying these 7 foot care tips:


1.) Check your feet daily: If you are feeling less sensitivity or no feeling in your feet, sores, cuts and gazes might go unnoticed and you might attract problems like amputations.


2.) Do not walk barefoot: Even if you are indoors, wear a soft pair of slipper or sandals because it is easy to tread on something or stub your foot and hurt yourself. You can protect your feet with socks and stockings as well.


3.) Be alert if you have corns or calluses: If you have such symptoms, check with your doctor or podiatrist the best way to cure them.


4.) Wash your feet regularly in warm water: Do not use to water and only warm water and avoid soaking your feet for too long even if you have been standing a full day as it might cause cracks or sores.


5.) Take extra efforts to dry your feet completely: especially between your toes, dry them up completely because these are natural traps for moisture. Leaving your feet damp or wet might create all type of problems.


6.) Exercise your legs and feet regularly: Even while sitting at home you can do some easy exercises like rotating your ankles, wiggle your toes or move your legs up and down. These all easy exercises can help keeping your blood circulation flowing and it helps to minimise the risk of foot problems.


7.) Get your feet checked by the doctor: At least once in a year for the sign of sensitivity and if there is any other problems you can schedule this when you have your annual or six monthly check up.


You should take care of your feet constantly and get help from a relative or professional if needed. Taking this simple steps can help you a lot from avoiding the painful problems.