Here are some of the most common symptoms of allergies:
1.) Breathing problems: There is nothing like the lack of oxygen but this is very common and it gets the attention of the person.
2.) Burning, itchy or watery eyes: This is a very annoying symptom and it can cause some additional problems if not taken care on time. It may lead to red, swollen eyes also known as Conjunctivitis.
3.) Coughing: This is very quick, if you have allergy from maybe a particular spice or anything else and if it is constant, it becomes really painful.
4.) Diarrhoea: This is in the annoying category of symptoms, but if this one left unchecked and ignored, it can have life threatening effects.
5.) Headache: Depending on how severe the headache is, this one can be tolerable.
6.) Hives: This is a symptom which is not only annoying and uncomfortable but it also draws attention of other people. Itchy nose, mouth, throat or skin.
7.) Runny nose: This one could cause problems with other people because no one likes to hear someone sniffing constantly or blowing their nose and it makes people wonder what germs you are spreading.
8.) Skin rashes: They ca be ugly to look at and might give you some irritation.